Cheap Minecraft Server Hosting Can Be Fast, Reliable, and Affordable

You may not only be looking for basic fun on Minecraft if you’re a serious gamer- you also need the best budget Minecraft server hosting to get the most out of this fun pastime.
The five best servers based on price and specifications include:
Shockbyte which was originally developed in Australia and has a variety of options like DDoS protection and unlimited SSD storage. With their basic plan starting at $2.
50 monthly and adding features over 9 other plans, there’s something in there for everyone.
Apex hosting is second, with a user-friendly custom panel and one-click installer. Their cheapest package costs $4.49 per month, and you can add $5 for their premium package.
Third is Anvilnode which offers speed, multi-user support, and free daily backups among other features, all starting at $4 per month for their basic plan and going up to $90 for pro.
ScalaCube is the fourth server and it serves other games like Rust. It comes with a pre-installed website and forum, as well as a free domain and FTP access starting at $2.50 per month.
ServerMiner is the fifth option, and it offers one-click installers and a free mySQL database with 8 regions to choose from. Their basic package starts at $7.58 per month.
Hopefully, this list was comprehensive enough to point you in the right direction; so happy gaming!