Key Strip Switch Features

Most people are not aware that there are options for the LED strip lights, for example the LED strip switch allows you to control your LED light strip, however, a strip switch is not the only option.
Simple switch can be added to our LED light strip to turn the strip on and off. This switch gives you the basic control function that you would need for any type of LED light strip installation.
The on and off switch is easily installed but it by far is not the only way to customize your LED light strip.
This video reveals some of the amazing accessories you can buy to better control your LED strip lights. There are switches that can control the amount of lighting the LED lights give off. There are motion detection switches that will active the LED strip when there is motion. There are some interesting accessories that you can use for your LED strip lights to make them more functional and more fun to use.
Take control of our LED light strips and learn more about what you can do with the right accessories by watching this short video. The presenter rolls out some options quickly and gives you a quick breakdown of the functions.